DGS Drama presents their Winter Play, Rose and the Rime! Performances will take place on December 2, 3 and 4 at 7 p.m. in the Studio Theatre.
Tickets can be purchased at the door on the night of the event. Cash or credit card will be accepted. $10 - Adults; $5 - Seniors & Children; Free - D99 Students (with student ID).
Synopsis: The Michigan town of Radio Falls has been trapped in perpetual winter for an entire generation, cursed by the Rime Witch and her magic coin to an eternal blizzard that blocks every way in or out of the town. The last moment of warmth in Radio Falls gave the town its only remaining child; a young girl named Rose, who is determined to save the town from the Rime Witch's curse. Her success, however, comes at a cost. The magic of the witch's coin can either nurture or destroy those who possess it, and Rose and her town begin to understand the true ramifications of power.
Director of the Play: Tiffany Rubin
Cast Members: (Names & Roles)
- Rose: Sammy Bachara
- Roger: Nathan Frewen
- Rime Witch: Sydney Richardson
- Jimmy: Max O' Connor
- Charlie: Samuel Kissi-Baah
- Gracie: Catherine Hewawissa
- Evelyn: Delaney Turner
- Randal: Maximilian Fido
- Dorothea: Megan Fox
- Molly: Maija Flannery
- Nolan: Amber Morton
- Audrey: Audrey Jayne
- Patrick: Ethan Eberhard
- Student Directors: Aylo Tureson and Sydney Richardson