The mission of Mustang Way at South High School is to foster and promote a positive school climate that enhances student learning through teaching and recognizing positive behavior. For several years, we have recognized thousands of students and look forward to recognizing many more role models in the future.

To learn even more about Mustang Way, check out the links on the lefthand side bar for more information.


Throughout the year, the Mustang Way team will provide a lesson based on skills related to being respectful, responsible, and engaged. Each lesson will be shared during Access. Staff will encourage students to take the time to view the videos and participate in any follow-up activities.

Mustang Way Award Recipients

The Mustang Way team recognizes students from teacher nominations. Teachers have the ability to recognize a student who went above and beyond and who acted as a positive role model for his/her peers. The teacher sends that student a Mustang Way certificate, which is then emailed to the students within a very short time of the recognition being made. Parents, teachers, coaches, and counselors of students who get a Mustang Way Awesome certificate may receive a copy of that email notification as well.

Certificate Template


Contact the Mustang Way Internal Coaches here.