September Message from Principal Schwartz

September Message from Principal Schwartz

Greetings from South High! 

See Video Message here

It has been a nice start to the school year. There are so many great opportunities here at South High for students to learn and grow. High school really represents a short time – student have just four years with us, and it is our jobs to work with families so that our students get the most out of those years. Nothing can replace the experiences gained by being here.

To that end, we are going to emphasize with our students the goal of being here, and being here on time. We will be implementing some new monitoring procedures that will help us work with students to promote on time arrival and consistent regular attendance. We ask that parents share our emphasis on being here so that our students are learning to prioritize their attendance and academic responsibilities.

Just a reminder that Open House is set for next Thursday, September 8 beginning at 6:15 pm. Parking can fill up fast, so plan ahead and leave a little extra time for travel. Also, be sure to bring your students’ schedule as you will have an opportunity to go through a sampling of their day. 

Details about Open House

Starting this year, admission to school events was included with your student’s fees. Please remind your student that they will need their current school ID to get into events at no cost. The first such event will be the football game this Friday night.

There are many times throughout the year that we rely on parent volunteers. Sometimes it is just to help out in the office, other times it may be to provide baked goods or work the coat check at a dance.  In any event, volunteers are crucial to the operations.


Please consider signing up.  You will only be called for the things that you express an interest in. Thanks in advance for the assistance.

Throughout the year, the district will send out newsletters and other publications. The first one will be sent on Tuesday. In order to continue to receive these, you will need to sign up on our website.

Sign up for District 99 publications

Have a great holiday weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone next Thursday!

Principal Ed Schwartz

Twitter: @edhschwartz