DGS Welcomes Veterans

DGS Welcomes Veterans

On November 13, 2015, South High was honored to welcome 11 veterans who served from World War II to the present time. Throughout the school day as part of their social studies classes, students visited the library and listened to the veterans’ stories.

The following veterans visited South High:

• Jack Aldworth – U.S. Army; served two years, Vietnam veteran
• Michael Griffin – U.S. Army; served five years; deployed to Iraq
• Bill Howland – U.S. Army; served 2 ½ years; WWII veteran
• Sargent Dave Jelinek – U.S. Marine Corps; served four years and had three deployments to Iraq
• Louis F. Kueltzo – U.S. Navy; served four years; Korean War veteran
• Lee Lindberg – U.S. Army; served in the Japan in 1951
• Maureen Magnifico – U.S. Army; served four years
• Richard S. McLaughlin – U.S. Navy; served over two years, WWII
• Mary L. Reed, Lt. Col, U.S. Air Force, Nurse Corp (retired); served 20 years; served in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM
• Robert Reichert – U.S. Air Force; served four years, Vietnam veteran
• George Strejcek – U.S. Army Medical Corps; served two years during the Korean War

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