DGS Students Support Youth in Need Through Artwork

DGS Students Support Youth in Need Through Artwork

Downers Grove South High School art students created portraits of children and teens from Syria and Jordan as part of The Memory Project, a non-profit organization connecting art teachers and students with youth around the world who have faced substantial challenges. Each DGS student received a photograph of a child in need and created a portrait to be hand-delivered to the kids in their countries.

DGS art teachers Robyn Bican and Katherine O’Truk facilitated the project; DGS students participating in this project included Emmanuelle Copeland, Gabriella Loconti, Samantha Mark, Minal Patel, Anjela To-Ong, Aubrey Vernon and Goda Vertelka.

Please click here to see the video of DGS students creating the portraits and the children receiving them.

“The portraits you created were successfully delivered to the children and teens from Syria and Jordan, and they absolutely loved them,” stated an email from The Memory Project to the art teachers. “Receiving personalized gifts made in their own image was a totally new experience for them, and all the more meaningful considering their current circumstances.”

The portraits serve to help the children feel valued and important, to know that many people care about their well-being, and to act as meaningful pieces of personal history in the future. For the art students, this is a unique opportunity to creatively practice kindness and global awareness.

In addition to the art, financial contributions from the school supported the purchase of over $5,000 in art supplies for various community centers serving the children in the refugee camp, and a donation of $1,600 to the orphanages.  

To learn more, visit The Memory Project website.
