DGS Principal Update for November

DGS Principal Update for November

Greetings South High families,

It is hard to believe that we have already turned the calendar to November.  The school year is moving rapidly and soon the holidays will be upon us.  As the calendar continues to change, so too will the weather.  As veteran parents know, inclement weather can contribute to traffic congestion around the school.  I offer the following suggestions for dropping your kids off at South High School.

  • Allow extra time and leave home sooner.  Any bit of precipitation – whether rain or snow, means an increase in car traffic before and after school.  Be patient and allow extra time.
  • Student drop off can be done at the main entrance or at the West Events Entrance.  The lot outside of the cafeteria is reserved for buses.
  • Southbound traffic on Dunham can drop students off at the sidewalk that leads to the C-wing.  Northbound traffic should not drop off on Dunham as it requires students to cross the street through traffic.
  • Students walking to school should be sure to cross the street at the intersections/corners and where pedestrian crossing is marked.

Student Attendance:

New systems have been put in place to help us monitor student attendance.  To date, South High students have missed a collective 6,516 days of school, which averages to 2.36 days of absence per student.  As we complete our tenth week of the school year, we have more than 100 students who have missed ten or more days – that means they are absent at least one day per week.  Moreover, there are 170 students who have already used their six undocumented excused absences.  I have had many conversations with students about this topic.  One theme that I hear is that the Chromebooks have made it easier for them to keep up with their work because they have access to materials even when they are not here.  While I certainly appreciate the convenience that this new tool provides, there is no substitute for the experiences gained by being in class.  I encourage parents to do all that you can to minimize the amount of student absences.  Please understand that we want sick kids to stay home and get well.  Absences for other reasons should be avoided.  For example, word in the halls is that the seniors are declaring this Monday, November 9th as a “senior ditch day.”  I assure you that school will go on as normal on Monday and despite what your student may say, not “every kid is getting called out that day.”  I expect great attendance by all on Monday.

Parent Teacher Conferences:

I hope that you all had a chance to sign up for Parent Teacher conferences.  They will be held on Tuesday, November 10th from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm.  If you were unable to schedule conferences, I encourage you to reach out to the individual teachers.  All contact information for teachers can be found in  the staff directory on the South High website.

Memorial Peace Gardens:

To honor the 70 District 99 alumni who lost their lives while bravely serving our country, the Social Studies Departments at both schools are embarking on an effort to install Memorial Peace Gardens at the two campuses.

Upcoming Events and Important Dates:

Saturday, November 7 - The AP Environmental Science classes are collecting pumpkins in the student parking lot from 9 am until noon.  Pumpkins will be collected and turned into compost.  Keep those nutrients out of a landfill !

Friday & Saturday, November 6, 7 - DGS Drama presents this year's fall play - Radium Girls.

Wednesday, November 11 - Veterans Day – No school

Friday, November 13 - This is the final make-up day for underclassmen yearbook photos to be taken.  Students should report to the auditorium before or after school, or during their lunch or resource time on this day.  Students were also notified via email.

Monday, November 16 - Veteran counselor, author, and creator of the online program "financial fit," Frank Palmasani, will explore every possible way that a family can reduce a college's sticker price. He will also demonstrate the steps families should take as parents of freshman, sophomores, and juniors to appropriately plan and demonstrate the steps families of seniors should take to execute.  The event will be held at North High beginning at 7:00 pm.

Finally, each year the Bonfield Express 5K Run/Walk is held on Thanksgiving morning.  The Bonfield Express Foundation has given over $318,500 in scholarships to more than 143 high school seniors attending District 99 and other area schools. Go to this link for details on how to participate and support this worthy community event.

Have a great weekend,

Ed Schwartz