Daily Announcements for Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Daily Announcements for Wednesday, February 1, 2017

South Student Announcements
Wednesday, February 1, 2017


In recognition of Black History Month, we present a page in Black History.

On this date, February 1, 1960 – Black college students stage a sit-in at a segregated lunch counter in Greensboro, NC, beginning the first of the historic sit-in of the 1960’s.

This is National Drug & Alcohol Facts week, and we are working to shatter the myths about teen drug and alcohol use. Teens who abuse alcohol or other drugs are at greater risk of poor school performance, trouble with the police, becoming the victim of sexual assault, being hurt or injured, and struggling with addiction later in life. Check your email today for a link to a three-question quiz about drug and alcohol use and teen drivers. If you complete the quiz your name will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Dunkin Donuts gift card.

DGS Drama presents the drama Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 on Friday & Saturday, February 3 & 4 at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium. Powerful and relevant to current events, the play is work of “documentary theater” using the words of people who experienced the Los Angeles riots to expose and explore the devastating human impact of that event. Tickets are free to DGS students and $10 general admission.

The Downers Grove American Legion Post #80 is seeking participants for their American Legion Auxiliary Illini Girls State Leadership program. The camp will be held at Eastern Illinois University from June 18- 26. The program offers hands-on experiences in the operation and fundamentals of government. Camp registration fees for participants are paid by the sponsoring American Legion post. Registration is open to those students who will be entering their senior year in August 2017. If you are interested, please stop by the Social Studies office (D272) to pick up an application.

Are you ready to dodge, dip, dive, duck and dodge?  Get a team of 5 players together for our annual Dodgeball Tournament!  The tournament will take place on Thursday, February 16th!  Signup in the Student Activities office by February 14th.

Attention ACE Members: Our next large group meeting will be this Thursday, February 2nd in the Auditorium. The meeting will begin at 7:25 am. Spirit week information will be discussed and final plans will be made for next week’s Spirit Week.

The Dean’s Office is in need of office aides for Periods 1, 4B, 7, and 8.  If you are interested, please stop by the Dean’s Office, Room A104 to pick up a request form.

The Attendance Office is looking for student aides for 1st, 2nd, & 7th periods.  If you are interested, please stop by the Attendance Office, Room A103 to pick up a request form.

CALLIOPE:  South’s student-run fine arts and literary magazine is accepting submissions for our book due out in May.  We’re looking for student writing and artwork.  Submissions can be emailed to Mr. Kuhn, Ms. Lynn, or Ms. Rowley.

On Friday, February 3rd at 7:30 the girls’ varsity basketball team is taking on Addison Trail for Senior Night and pack the place! The theme is blue on blue so come out to show your spirit and support!!!!


Attention all Juniors:

Course Selection for the 2017-2018 school year is now taking place. You should have received your appointment cards. If you did not, please come to the Counseling Office, Room A110 or A109 for a replacement card. It is important for you to keep your appointment time.


Attention to ALL those interested in Softball this spring-there will be an open gym Thursday from 8:00 – 9:30 in the small and large gym. This will be for all levels and all are welcome!