Daily Announcements for Monday, September 12, 2016

Daily Announcements for Monday, September 12, 2016


South Student Announcements



FRENCH CLUB:  Please join us on Tuesday September 13th for our first meeting after school in A207.  We will be discussing upcoming events as well as having a French snack and getting to know each other.  See you there!

GERMAN CLUB:  Join us in A210 after school Tomorrow for our first meeting of the year.  You don’t have to be in a German Class, so bring a friend.  We always have lots of food and fun!  

ATTENTION SPANISH CLUB:  Please join us for our first meeting of the year on Tuesday, September 13th in D277 at 3:30.   All are welcome.  You do not need to be currently taking Spanish to join.  We hope to see you then.  

ALL STUDENTS: TODAY IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SIGN UP FOR THE BLOODDRIVE. The blood rive is tomorrow from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the small gym.  Eat a good breakfast and bring a photo ID.

The Robotics Club is having their first meeting today Monday, September 12th in C-161 after school until 4:30. The Robotics Club will create projects, participate in competitions, and plan fun things! Robotics Club, Monday after school in C-161.

And they’re off!  Ever wonder what happens at the track before the races?  Find out by taking a behind the scenes trip to Arlington Race rack with Equestrian Club.  For more information about this trip and future events, stop in C1687 today after school.  This will be a brief introductory meeting to learn more and connect with others who love horses.

Aspiring Homecoming Show Performers:  Be sure to check the official audition schedule for your time assignment.  Please come to the auditorium ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH at least 15 minutes prior to your assigned time so you are ready to go when it is your turn to perform.  Auditions are closed, only those auditioning are allowed in the auditorium.  Thanks for your cooperation and good luck!

Attention Powderpuff Players.  Ladies don’t forget our Powder Puff informational meeting today September 12th after school in the cafeteria!!!!

Do you like to discuss current issues?  Then come to the Politics Club/Model UN meeting on Wednesday, September 14th at 7:20 in C265.  Questions – ask your social studies teacher.

Class of 2019.  That is you Sophomores.  Help us prepare for Homecoming.  Class board meets Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. in Room C252.

The time has come for DGS Drama’s fall and winter play auditions.  The two shows give you the opportunity to be in a small cast comedy and a large cast drama.  If you want to act onstage this semester, pick up an audition packet and sign up for an audition time on the drama board in the music hall.  Auditions are on Thursday, September 15th.  See Ms. Rubin or Mr. Haywood with questions.

Jostens will be here Tuesday, September 13th during lunch periods and again at 3:20 p.m. for Family Night, for class ring measurements and orders.  Please remember your order form and $50 down payment.  You may design your ring and print your order for at www.jostens.com.

Come to the first Key Club meeting this Thursday, September 15th @ 3:30 in C264.  Key Club is the world’s largest high school community service organization, and is widely recognized by colleges and universities.  Have fun, make friends, get involved, and make a difference.


Are you ready to earn?  If so, Attainable Futures Program is the answer.  The Attainable Futures Program provides career exploration opportunities and enhances the skills necessary for students to enter the workforce.  Students will learn directly from employers.  Applications are available in the College & Career Center Room A1096.  Deadline to apply is November 18th.

Attention Seniors: During your Senior Focus presentation you were informed that your transcript and/or supporting documents will e sent electronically as permitted by the college through Naviance. Some college applications have an October 15th deadline, which is fast approaching. Make sure your supporting documents are in Naviance before September 16th if you need to meet the October 15th deadline

On Tuesday, September 13th  a representative from Illinois College, Loyola University-Chicago, University of Illinois @ Chicago and University of Tampa will be here:

On Friday, September 16th a representative from Cornell Collefe, Vanderbilt University and Roosevelt University will be here:

If you are interested in attending any of these presentation, you need to sign up on the Naviance Program.