Testing Information
PSAT Scores
To view scores, access your CollegeBoard account.
Test Preparation
Downers Grove South High School does not specifically recommend or endorse any test preparation program. Periodically some test prep companies use South High School for this purpose. We send information out to families and students when we become aware of these opportunities.
Maximizing Test Performance
Get a good night of sleep the evening before the test.
Eat a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Most testing centers forbid any food and drink in the room and only provide one ten-minute break.
Relax. Remember the ACT and SAT can always be retaken. Colleges understand that many students take these exams two or three times.
Read all instructions carefully before the test begins. Don't waste test time reading them at a later time.
Pace yourself. Most people have enough time to answer all of the questions. Answer the "easy" questions first and then go back and answer the more difficult ones.
If you make a mistake, erase completely. Extra marks on your answer sheet will most likely affect your scores.
Review your work. If you finish early, check to see if you missed any questons or double marked an answer. Some tests have penalties if you work on a different section, either a past test or a future one, so don't do it. Your scores will be voided and you won't get your money back.
Check out PowerPrep.com for further test preparation resources.