Dance Information
Guest Dance Forms are available online, or from the Information Desk found at Entrance 1 (outside of the library) and in the Bookstore.
Pay particular attention to the student/written announcements on deadline dates. No exceptions will be made.
Forms will not be faxed to another school, nor do we accept faxes from other schools.
Your dean must approve your guest. This is the last stop in the Guest Permit process.
Permission to allow outside guest to school dances is solely at the discretion of DGS administration.
Guest behavior - Students who bring an approved guest to a dance must be with that guest at all times. All approved guests attending the dance are expected to follow all the rules in the student handbook. Guests who violate school rules and policies, will not be approved to attend future dances. Students who bring a guest who violates the student code of conduct may also be subject to school consequences.