Advanced Science at DGS

Biology Honors, Chemistry Honors, Earth & Space Honors, Physics Honors

The Advanced (Honors) Science Courses at DGS offer an opportunity for students to experience increased depth and rigor in science topics.  Advanced science students tend to be genuinely interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) content, enjoy a challenge, and quickly see connections between disciplines.  Advanced science classes develop concepts from a more theoretical perspective, use less directive teaching strategies, and require a greater level of student independence.  Teachers make recommendations for advanced classes based on observations of students, evaluations of student coursework, and assessment data. 

Common Characteristics of Successful Advanced Science Students

  • Displays the desire to seek true science understanding
  • Understands the power of productive struggle and enjoys learning challenges
  • Independently able to make connections, and does so relatively quickly
  • Willing to take risks in collaborating with peers to create knowledge and critique arguments
  • Clearly articulates solutions and conclusions using detailed explanations
  • Able to manage heavier workload in overall class schedule without undue stress or frustration
  • Displays disciplined study habits; seeks out and utilizes outside-of-class resources independently when needed
  • Typically recommended for advanced courses in mathematics

Common Characteristics of Advanced Science Courses

  • Advanced science at DGS is not synonymous with simply being skilled at recalling science facts
  • The teacher often serves as a facilitator of more student-owned, collaborative knowledge-building
  • Concepts are developed and extended through a more theoretical perspective, emphasizing application of skills
  • Students are expected to synthesize concepts on assessments and be able to tackle problem contexts they have not directly seen the teacher model in class
  • There is typically a greater out-of-class workload from Advanced science courses compared to that required for a  non-Advanced science courses
  • For more information regarding the differences between Advanced and non-Advanced science courses, click the links below:

DGS Biology vs. DGS Biology Honors

DGS Chemistry vs. DGS Chemistry Honors

DGS Earth & Space vs. DGS Earth & Space Honors

DGS Physics vs. DGS Physics Honors

Key Questions to Reflect Upon When Considering Advanced Science

  • Do a majority of the student characteristics listed to the left apply to me/my child?  Interest in science alone is not enough.  As a matter of fact, a student with a great interest in science who is not academically ready for the challenge of advanced science classes could get frustrated by and disinterested in something that they previously found fascinating.
  • How many total Advanced/AP classes will be in my/my child’s overall schedule?  A large quantity of Advanced/AP classes can lead to high stress levels and inhibit learning.
  • What are my/my child’s anticipated after-school and evening commitments over the course of the year?  Being in multiple sports, time-intensive activities, and/or working a job will also likely reduce opportunities to get work done at a reasonable hour while still having 'down time’ outside of school.  
  • Will a non-class period be in my/my child’s schedule for the purposes of seeking support during the school day and/or working on assignments?  Without a study hall, what organizational strategies does your student have to maintain a healthy balance?