Update Center Latest Updates

Find all updates listed below in chronological order.

Reminder: Event Tomorrow

April 28, 2020

Dear District 99 Families: We wanted to remind you about the event tomorrow, Wednesd...

Dear District 99 Families: We hope you are doing well during these challenging times...

Sent to All District 99 students, staff and famiies 2:47 p.m. - April 17, 2020 Bu...

Good morning! First, I would like to thank everyone for their participation, cooperatio...

District 99 Meal Pick Up

April 13, 2020

District 99 Meal Pick Up Starting April 14, 2020  (Espanol debajo) Community...

Transitioning to Remote Learning Greetings South High students and families, I ho...

Hello DGN students and families! I hope you are all healthy and managing these unpre...

Dear District 99 Community: Thank you for your patience as we determined our schedul...

Dear District 99 Community: I hope you all are doing well and staying safe. Gover...

Dear District 99 Community: As we begin our spring break 2020, it is not what any of...

Stay At Home Order Enforcement: Parks & Facilities To The Downers Grove Communit...

Message to DGN Families Hi DGN Families: I thought you might be interested in see...

Message to DGS Families Greetings, Whether you are a student, parent/guardian, or...


Orders Due Today for Student Meals during Spring Break Hello, Just a reminder tha...

Continued Meal Availability Order Spring Break Meals by Monday, March 23 at Noon! D...

Dear District 99 Students and Families: Our first week of Continuity Learning has co...

District 99 Checking In!

March 18, 2020

Dear District 99 Community: During these highly unusual and difficult times given th...

Good afternoon, First, thank you to all who have already read the email I sent earli...

Good afternoon, First, thank you to all who have already read the email I sent earli...

New D99 Schedule - Special Education/504 Plans Dear Families, As you now are awar...

Dear North High/South High Students and Families: This message is being sent to prov...

Dear Families: District 99 is committed to ensuring that our families continue to re...

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