Summer School FAQs


When is summer school?

Semester 1: June 2-5, 9-12, 16-18 (3-week block, 11 days total)

Semester 2: June 23-26, 30 July 1-2, 7-10 (3-week block, 11 days total)

Most classes meet from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm.  Exceptions are: Drivers Ed and Key to Academic Success and AP. Chem Prep. Please see course descriptions for exact times. 

What will my students need to bring to summer school?
All students will need their Chromebooks, chargers, and school ID in summer school. Incoming freshmen and outside students will be given Chromebook/ID on their first day of school (or we will reach out sooner if there is a sooner pickup date). They should also bring a pen/pencil and folder/notebook.

If they are in a math class and have a graphing calculator, they should bring that. 

NOTE: We do our best to keep all rooms cool, so your student should dress in layers and bring a sweatshirt in case it is needed.

Is lunch served?

All students will be given a 30 minute lunch break. Students can choose to bring their own sack lunch or get a cold lunch from the school Cafeteria for $5. Some a la carte options may be available as well for purchase, but we encourage kids to bring their own snacks if they are counting on a specific item. To purchase lunches, you may use cash or your cafeteria account just as you would in the typical school year.

Please note that students CANNOT order in their own lunches or accept deliveries. If students choose to order in food, it will sit at the front desk for the remainder of the school day.

How important is attendance?

Attendance is extremely important. In any course except Driver’s Education, if a student misses more than 2 days of school per semester, regardless of the reason, they will need to be withdrawn from summer school and no refund will be issued. Official documentation will not excuse an absence like in regular school year. Each day of summer school is roughly equivalent to an entire week of regular school curriculum. Please plan vacations, sports, camps, etc. outside of the summer school program.

Every tardy (being late to class between 1 minute and 19 minutes) counts. If you receive 3 tardies, that is counted as an absence.

For Driver’s Education, any absence may result in failure to meet State Driver Education guidelines for attendance and the course.

Can my student take multiple classes?

Students are only able to take ONE class per semester, which typically runs 8AM-2PM for that class. We encourage students to talk to their counselors prior to registering to figure out what is best for their 4-year plan.

Can my student re-take a class if they earned a D but want to get a better grade?

Students are able to retake a course, with counselor permission. The student's new grade will be recorded on the transcript and it will also be calculated into the student's GPA.

What happens if we decide last minute to no longer take a course?

Your child will receive either a withdrawal grade or withdraw fail on their transcripts, based on when they are removed.

What do I do if my student needs to be absent?

If your student will be absent, please send Ryan Doherty, Summer School Director, an email (   Remember, three absences in a semester is an automatic fail, regardless of reasons.

How will my student know where to report?
On May 30, you will receive an email with information about where to report. If you are not familiar with the building, once you enter a drop off point at the school, administrators and staff will be present to help you get to class. Consider getting dropped off a few minutes early on the first day in order to be sure you are not late

Can my student choose to attend digitally for a few days?

No. Students do not have the choice to attend in-person or digitally. They must attend in-person all days of summer school, unless quarantined.

How will my child get to school?
Bus Transportation will be available to only in district students that live at least 1.5 miles away.   Bus route information will be available on our web site no later than end of day May 30 and will also be emailed out at that time.

Is parking available?
Yes students can park at South in the Student Parking Lot on the west side of the building near the football field.  

I am driving my student. Where do I drop them off?
They must be dropped off at the main entrance (entrance on Norfolk St) or West Events entrance.

If my student rides their bike, where can they park it? 
Students who ride bicycles should be careful to chain their bikes to the bike racks in front of the school.  IN THE EVENT OF THEFT, DISTRICT 99 IS NOT RESPONSIBLE.

Additional Questions?
You can contact Summer School Director Ryan Doherty at / (630)795-7116 or Vicky Miles at / (630)795-7122.