Enrichment Program

District 99 is pleased to offer noncredit-bearing enrichment experiences that are designed to extend and expand thinking and learning and improving academic success. Consider enrolling one or more of these courses this summer. The costs include all required materials.

Targeted Grade Levels: 10-12
Session: 6 weeks, from June 2 – July 10, 2025 
Times: Online with face to face meetings once a week for check in and laboratory activities
In person sessions Mondays, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23, 6/30, 7/7 – 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Cost: $125.00 in district ($175 out of district)
Prerequisite: Enrollment in AP Chemistry for 2025-2026

Note:  This course is only open to students who attend DGN or DGS.  

Taking AP Chemistry next year?  Pre-AP Chemistry is an enrichment course designed to help prepare students for the rigor of AP Chemistry.  This 6-week course will reinforce student’s knowledge of 6 key topics:  Nomenclature, Measurement and the Mole, Stoichiometry, Gases, Solutions, and Thermochemistry.  While the majority of the course is taught online, a weekly in-person meeting will be strongly recommended.  This in-person meeting is crucial for building the laboratory skills that are critical to a student’s success in AP Chemistry.  Upon completion of the course, students will be exempt from the mandatory summer assignment that accompanies enrollment in AP Chemistry. For more information, click here for AP Chem Prep FAQs.    

Course Code: C371
Targeted Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11
Session 1:  June 2, 3, 4

Session 2:  June 9, 10, 11

Time:  8 am - 2 pm

Cost: $125.00 in district ($150 out of district)

This 3-day course is built to help develop Mathematical and Literacy based skills to help students achieve greater academic goals.  The course will offer students the opportunity to answer the common question, “What do I do when I do not understand?” This interactive class will allow students to practice a variety of learning strategies applied to different content areas and a variety of types of text encountered in high school and college. Topics include: Cornell note taking; visualization strategies; strategies to focus and connect with podcasts, videos, lectures and other media; comprehension of challenging text; Costa's questioning; writing effective summaries; strategies to learn academic vocabulary; identifying author's purpose and claim; along with speaking and listening skills. All learning styles and all levels of high school students are welcome to work with our math and reading specialists.

If the any session has low enrollment, the session may be cancelled and students will have the opportunity to switch to a different session.