The Payroll Department has completed your 2024 W-2. Your official W-2 is available through the Employee Access Center (EAC).
Again this year, in an attempt to continue to be paperless in the district, we are NOT printing paper copies of your W-2.
You will need to print your own W-2.
For current employees, click here for the instructions on how to view and/or print your copy.
Employees who have separated from the district (not currently receiving a paycheck) remain active in Employee Access and can continue to log on.
Click here for the instructions on how to view and/or print your copy.
Things you may see on your W-2 that you may have questions about, but only if they apply to you:
- Box 9 - Verification Code- District 99 has NOT been chosen to participate in this program as of yet. This box will be blank.
- Box 10 reflects any Dependent Care Contributions you had withheld during the year.
- ·Box 12 reflects the following codes/amounts if they apply to you:
- C = Taxable value of any Group Life Insurance coverage over $50,000.
- E = 403(b) Contributions- Annuities.
- G = 457(b) Contributions – Annuities.
- W = H S A Contributions – Employer AND Employee contributions.
- BB = 403(b) Contributions- Roth
- DD = Employer and Employee cost of Health Insurance (information required by the 2010 Health Reform Law).
- EE = 457(b) Contributions – Roth.
- ·Box 14 reflects the following deductions if they apply to you:
- PENS= Pension Contributions-TRS or IMRF
- MEDCAL= Medical Contributions- Employee Portion
- DENTAL= Dental Contributions- Employee Portion
- VISION= Vision Insurance Contributions-Employee Portion
- UNION= Union Dues paid for 2024
You can find full instructions on the IRS website.
Please remember the earnings you see in Box 1 are your FEDERAL TAXABLE EARNINGS and will not reflect your GROSS EARNINGS (without tax-sheltered deductions).
Please feel free to contact Lin Meziere at 630-795-7125 or should you have any questions.