District 99 Students Place at DECA Sectional Competition

District 99 Students Place at DECA Sectional Competition

Students from Downers Grove North and Downers Grove South High School placed at the DECA state sectional competition.

DECA’s industry-validated competitive events are aligned with the National Curriculum Standards in the career clusters of marketing, business management, administration, finance, and hospitality and tourism. 

The following students received recognition for individual ability and achievement at the sectional level:

DGN State Qualifiers 

Mackenzie Maci, 6th place, Apparel and Accessories Marketing

Dylan Nuttal, 9th place, Quick Serve Restaurant Management

Helen Justice and Penelope Radja, 1st place, Business Law and Ethics

Nolan Hurter and Russell Oros, 2nd place, Buying and Merchandising

Megan Hill and Katie Milos, 10th place, Buying and Merchandising

Andrew Novak and Mike Knickerbocker, 7th place, Financial Services

Lucy Koch and Alyssa Bartolone, 10th place, Hospitality Services

Joey Siebert and Mantas Palabunskis, 5th place, Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Will Beatty and Rajan Fisher, 3rd place,Travel and Tourism

Ryan Enright and Ethan Weiner, 2nd place, Entrepreneurship

Sachin Sinnapin, 7th place, Principles of Finance

Shubreet Kaur, 10th place, Principles of Hospitality Services

David D'Amico, 10th place, Principles of Marketing

Kater Peterson qualified in the Integrated Marketing Campaign Services Event 

DGS State Qualifiers

Sophia Ring, 1st place, Quick Serve Restaurant Management   

Iliana Nenov, Taylor Mitchell & Owen Polivka, 2nd place, Innovation Plan

Mara Haiduc, 3rd place, Food Marketing

Nick O'Halloran, 4th place, Innovation Plan

Nick O'Halloran, 5th place, Human Resources Management

Nahla Mokkath, 5th place, Business Services Marketing

Sophia Lodhia & Rylee Monroe, 6th place, Hospitality Services

Brianna Monroy, 9th place,Restaurant Food Service Management

Jordan Moran, 10th place, Principles of Business Administration


These students will compete at the state conference at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare from February 29th to March 2nd. 

DECA’s competitive events directly contribute to every student being college and career-ready when they graduate from high school. 

For more information about Illinois DECA, click here.