Recognize a Staff Member for Staff Appreciation Week!

Recognize a Staff Member for Staff Appreciation Week!

Dear District 99 Families,

With only three weeks left in the school year, we encourage your family to reflect upon those within District 99 who have made a positive impact on your student’s experience. 

Our staff members, along with our parents, are continually working diligently to ensure student success. Throughout the school year, staff members recognize thousands of students for their positive behavior through our Positively North and Mustang Way programs. 

In honor of the National Teacher Appreciation Week, May 2-6, we are inviting our families to recognize a teacher or staff member at District 99. In addition to teachers, we hope you will remember our counselors, nurses, support staff, administrators, librarians, custodians, coaches, and many others who ensure our buildings are a positive and safe place to learn.

Please submit your note of appreciation within this short Google Form - please leave your name, your student’s name, staff member’s name and email address, and your message to the staff member. If you don’t know a staff member’s email address, you can search for it here. Your note will be emailed immediately as a PDF certificate to staff members and also shared with supervisors! Please submit your message within the Google Form by this Friday, May 6, 2022.

Questions? Please send directly to

Now more than ever, we are proud of the dedicated staff members and their commitment to the success of each student at North High, South High and Transition 99.

Thank you for your support in recognizing our outstanding staff!


Positively North and Mustang Way Teams