District 99 to Create 5-Year Strategic Plan

District 99 to Create 5-Year Strategic Plan

District 99 is creating a new and comprehensive five-year strategic plan to ensure that its focus is aligned with the needs of the community. In August 2021, the Board of Education approved the hiring of the Center for Effective School Operations as an outside third party to conduct the strategic planning process, which will include engagement activities with the entire District 99 community. 

In addition to online discussions and engagement that will soon be issued, the following in-person feedback sessions are planned:

(NOTE: You may attend either session, regardless of school attendance area.)

“We hope to welcome those who are interested in sharing their time and ideas to our feedback sessions,” said Dr. Hank Thiele, superintendent of District 99. “Ultimately, the plan will be a reflection of the hopes, dreams and needs of the community, and so this feedback is vital to the district’s success."

After the first round of engagement, the district will begin to draft a plan with the help of a core planning team that represents all community groups. The plan will then be presented to the community for additional feedback, refined by the leadership team, and brought to the Board of Education in the spring for approval.

For more information about District 99, please visit www.csd99.org
