Without an in-person event, the District 99 Education Foundation encourages the community to continue to support the Foundation and local Pizza Wars pizzerias.
In a typical year, the District 99 Education Foundation kicks off the year with their annual fundraising event Pizza Wars. The funds raised have directly impacted District 99 students at Downers Grove North and South High Schools with grants, scholarships and programs.
In lieu of an in-person event, community members can continue to support the Foundation:
- Donate to the Foundation’s Pizza Wars online fundraiser to support District 99 students
- Support Pizza Wars Pizzerias - Visit the Pizza Wars 2021 webpage to find special promotions from the participating pizzerias:
“Now more than ever, we’re asking our community members to come together to find new ways to support our students, their families, and our local businesses,” District 99 Education Foundation President Julia Kennedy Beckman said. “We’re grateful for our strong community of supporters, and look for their continued support as we navigate these times together.”
Since 2014, the District 99 Education Foundation’s Pizza Wars fundraiser has raised $80,000 for learning grants, scholarships and special programs to benefit District 99 students. At the 2020 event, prior to the pandemic, the Pizza Wars event brought in more than 650 guests and nearly $20,000. Each year, each vendor provides, at no cost to the Foundation, more than 30 pizzas and several staff members at the event.
In 2020 alone, the District 99 Education Foundation contributed more than $50,000 throughout District 99 and the community to support staff and students producing face shields for local healthcare workers, to provide students and families in need with gift cards from local businesses, and to support teachers and students through grants and scholarships. Read the news article here.
To learn more about the District 99 Education Foundation, and new ways to support teachers, students, and families, visit www.d99ef.org and donate here.
To learn more about Pizza Wars 2021 campaign, pizzerias and sponsors, visit the Pizza Wars 2021 website or contact the Foundation at d99foundation@gmail.com or 630-795-7115.