Stay informed and connected with District 99 throughout the 2018-19 school year!
- You will automatically receive and do not need to subscribe to regular updates issued from your principal, important school and district information, and emergency email alerts. These messages will be sent to your email address(es) listed in Home Access Center.
- To receive text messages for emergency information only, please send a text message from your device to 68453 with the word "subscribe."
- If you’d like to receive even more information about the district, please subscribe to one of our e-publications, including:
- News@99 newsletter - A monthly publication with photos and stories about student, school and district initiatives and accomplishments
- Board of Education Briefs - Bi-monthly updates of key Board decisions and actions, with a link to a video of the meeting
- D99 Docket - Published every Thursday during the school year, a brief bullet-point listing of calendar items to help you prepare for the week
- Facility Friday - New! Published every Friday starting August 17, a weekly update about the progress of Master Facility Plan projects
Please click here to sign up to receive these publications. (If you’ve already subscribed, you do not need to take action. You may unsubscribe at any time.)
- Social media is another way to receive updates from the district and schools. Click here to see North High’s directory and click here to see South High’s directory.
Please email if you have any questions, suggestions or need assistance.
We are looking forward to a wonderful school year!