District 99 will hold four informational meetings and tours about its proposed Master Facility Plan for North High School and South High School in Downers Grove:
- Thursday, October 12 at North High, 7-9 p.m.
- Thursday, October 19 at South High, 7-9 p.m.
- Saturday, October 21 at North High, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
- Saturday, October 28 at South High, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Information presented will be similar but not identical; content will vary based on location. Optional tours of each school will follow the presentations. Registration is requested, but not required. Visit www.csd99.org/MFP to register.
“We are excited to share our ideas for modernizing our schools, and to hear input from community members about what they will support,” says Dr. Hank Thiele, Superintendent of District 99. Thiele will present the proposed Master Facility Plan in detail at all meetings.
District 99 Controller Mark Staehlin will present the district’s proposed financing plan.
“With a 20-year bond issue about to be paid off, this is a unique opportunity to improve our aging high school buildings at the lowest possible tax impact,” says Staehlin.
District 99 is mailing a letter, newsletter and survey to all households this month to inform the full community about the plan and request input on how to move forward.
To learn more about the plan, visit www.csd99.org/MFP.