The District 99 Board of Education held its business meeting on April 17, 2017. Please see the video here.
Highlights of the meeting include:
Bond Issuance
A public hearing was held regarding the intent of the Board of Education to sell $2.15 million in School Fire Prevention and Safety bonds, which will complete the life safety work that has been identified by both schools.
Student Assistance Programs
Student Assistance Coordinators Keith Bullock (from North High) and Diana Benoist (from South High) presented an overview of the prevention, education and intervention programs in place to prevent teen substance abuse. The mission of the programs is to work to increase protective factors for all students and identify and intervene for those students who are at risk for alcohol and drug abuse. Red Ribbon Week, Operation Snowball, National Drug Fact Week, Join the Movement, Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), Positively North and Mustang Way programs are all programs aimed at prevention and education. Both schools develop relationships inside and outside the school for student intervention. Bullock and Benoist also manage social media campaigns that emphasize the fact that “most students” do not use use drugs or alcohol at District 99. “If you can decrease perception, you can decrease use,” said Benoist.
Financial Update
Controller Mark Staehlin shared the district’s third quarter financial report, noting a lower fund balance than expected due to payments not received by the state. Funds collected are only 45% of the district’s budget this year, compared to 74% last year.
Staehlin also reported that the district’s final levy tax rate is $1.96, ten cents lower than last year and one of the lowest in DuPage County. Please go to this link for details about the tax levy extension process.