Highlights of the JULY 20, 2015 BOARD meeting:
- Superintendent search update - Representatives from the firm School Exec Connect discussed a timeline for the new superintendent search. The current superintendent, Dr. Mark McDonald, will retire at the end of the 2015-16 school year. The Board is targeting naming the next District 99 superintendent (who will start on July 1, 2016) at its meeting on December 14, 2015. The search will be a confidential process which will ensure a higher quality and quantity of candidates. Throughout the fall, the firm will gather community input in order to create a profile of characteristics it would like to see in the next leader. “The more people we can talk to face-to-face, the better informed we will be as we interview candidates,” said Kathy Robbins from School Exec Connect.
- “State of the District” report – Superintendent Dr. Mark McDonald presented the 2015 “State of the District” report. Tasks and results related to initiatives in areas such as curriculum and instruction, facilities and technology are detailed in the report and are reported on throughout the school year. “I commend you on a thorough report, complete report,” said Board President Dr. Nancy Kupka.
- “End of the Year” financial report – Controller Mark Staehlin presented the “End of Year” financial report of the district. In terms of revenue (taxes) collected, we are at 99% of budget this year compared to 100% for last year, which represents a shortfall of 1.0% of the budgeted revenues. In addition, payments from the State of Illinois were $950,000 behind this year, compared to $300,000 last year. Combined fund balances of all operating funds dropped by more than $1.0 million last year. The tentative 2015-16 budget will be proposed to the Board on August 17.
- Board actions taken – Board members unanimously approved a waiver application, as required by the State of Illinois, to allow Driver Education to substitute for a student’s participation in one semester of Physical Education. The Board also approved the revised joint agreement of the School Association for Special Education in DuPage (SASED), a special education cooperative. The action formalizes how SASED currently operates, which is that Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funding must remain the property of each individual district in the cooperative, and any unused portion must not be forfeited to the remaining member districts if one member leaves the cooperative.
To find additional information from the meeting:
- To view the complete agenda and related materials, please go to http://www.boarddocs.com/il/csd99/Board.nsf/Public, select the meeting date to the left, and click to view the agenda” to the right.
- To see a video of the public portion of this meeting, please go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un1Mw6XkfPs&feature=em-uploademail
Upcoming Board meetings:
- August 3, 2015 (Closed Session meeting)
- August 17, 2015 – Regular Business Meeting at the ASC, 7:30 p.m.
- September 14, 2015 – Workshop Meeting at the ASC, 7 p.m.