Board of Education Briefs for September 12, 2016

Board of Education Briefs for September 12, 2016

North High’s Claire Marino, Marion Deal, Principal Janice Schwarze, and Jacari Hunter presented to the Board of Education on September 12, 2016

The District 99 Board of Education held a workshop meeting on September 12, 2016. Highlights include:

·        North High students explained their involvement in the new “One Book, One School” initiative. The entire student body was assigned to read “Steal Like an Artist,” by Austin Kleon as the summer reading assignment. The book explores creativity and the power in borrowing and building from other, existing works of art. The students were selected to serve on a committee to help promote the book and its messages to all students.

o   Junior Claire Marino said that the book taught her not to be afraid to be creative.

o   Senior Jacari Hunter said that he enjoys writing poetry, and felt reassured to take more risks knowing that you don’t always need to be original.

o   Sophomore Marion Deal shared that the book gave her a sense of hope, and that she felt uplifted by being selected to serve on the committee.


·        Assistant Superintendent for Special Services Scott Wuggazer presented his team’s “Early Identification System,” and how the counseling staff identifies students who need additional academic and social emotional support during high school. The system includes documenting staff conversations and analyzing issues, then bringing this data together to prioritize needs. Staff then creates individualized student reports to develop specific interventions. Click here for details.

·        District administrators provided the Board with a summary of projects completed over the summer. Detailed summaries were provided about Life Safety facility projects, other capital projects completed at both schools, the new telephone system, Chromebooks purchased for freshmen, the new online registration process, printer consolidation efforts, electronic timesheets, and digitizing human resources records. Click here to see the slides presented.

·        Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning Gina Ziccardi and Director of Technology Rod Russeau provided highlights of the 1:1 Learning program that launched last year. Feedback from student, parent and teacher surveys was shared, indicating that the program has had a positive impact on student learning. In addition to the breadth of online resources used in the classroom, the significant professional development structures implemented were reviewed. Click here to see the slides presented.

To find additional information from the meeting

To view the complete agenda and related materials, please go to, select the meeting date to the left, and click “view the agenda” to the right.

To see a video of this meeting, please click here.

Upcoming Board Meetings

September 19, 2016 – Business Meeting at the ASC, 7:30 p.m.

October 3, 2016 – Workshop Meeting at the ASC, 7 p.m.