P.E. Restrictions and Medical Notes Procedure
All medical notes for students should be emailed/delivered to the health office. This applies to all medical notes for PE and athletics including any injuries, concussions, and sports/PE restrictions for medical reasons.
We can only accept medical notes from MD, NP, PA, or DO. Clearance notes should also be sent to Ruby in the nurse office.
Ruby sends the notes to students’ guidance counselors, coaches, and teachers/PE teachers as needed. Parents may email the notes to the Health Office Administrative Assistant Ruby Montano at rmontano@csd99.org. If a student hands their note to a teacher or coach, the coach can either hand deliver the note or take a picture and email it to Ruby.
If a note needs clarification, a nurse will call the doctor or their assistant as needed.
Notes brought by students over the weekend are to be given to the athletic trainers who will use their discretion in allowing physical activity in sport depending on the doctor’s instructions. Coaches and staff can reach out to the Athletic Director or Associate Principal of Student Support Services for consultation if needed. Only athletic trainers or nurses should take orders from medical providers.