
The ten academic departments at North High School offer students a variety of courses from which to choose. For more information about each department, please select from the menu to the left.

Academic Support

Teacher Office Hours 

Every DGN teacher has reserved 2.5 hours each week outside of the school day to meet with students individually. Check here to see when your teacher holds office hours.

Tutoring Center

North High's Tutoring Center is open throughout the school day in the club room, which is located in adjacent to the cafeteria (Room 163). This is one way for students to get additional help with a teacher or peer tutor after they have worked with their teachers during their office hours or make up an assessment. 

Testing Center

For students who need to retake an assessment, finish an assessment, or make up an exam they missed, the Testing Center is open from 7:15 to 4:00 daily. It is located in two locations throughout the school day.

  • Before School (7:30-8:15) | Room 358
  • Periods 1 & 2 | Room 358
  • Periods 3-8 | Room 358
  • After School (3:20-4:00) | Room 358

Peer Tutoring

Student tutors are available to provide assistance. Email our Peer Tutor sponsor, Mr. Pacer at, for more information, specifying the subject area you are seeking assistance. 

STRIVE Tutoring

STRIVE is a free after-school program for students who are in need of assistance with coursework, organization and test preparation. STRIVE meets every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:20 p.m. in the Library. Learn more about STRIVE. Email Mike Pacer at with any questions.

Student Support with a Pass during ACCESS

The ‘Student Support with a Pass’ program is intended for teachers to be able to provide targeted assistance for individual students or a small group of students who may struggle on the same skill within the school day.  To see when 'Student Support with a Pass' days are scheduled, please click here to view the ACCESS schedule for DGN.


Learn more about Instructional Coaching at DGN

Visit the District's website for more information about Academics and Assessments