Final Exams - May 28-30

Final Exams - May 28-30

Final Exams - May 28, 29, and 30

The exam schedule is as follows:

  Tuesday, 5/28 Wednesday, 5/29 Thursday, 5/30

8:00 - 9:30 am

Period 1 Period 7

Period 3

9:45 - 11:15 am

Period 2 Period 8

Period 5

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 pm

Period 4 Period 6


  • Students are to remain in the classroom for the entire examination period.  
  • Access to the building during final exam days is as follows:
    • Students may enter the building during the before-school hour as usual.
    • All students will report to their exam periods for the first testing period.
    • All students entering the building after the first exam period must enter by the Main Street entrance; all other building entrances will be secured during the passing periods.
    • If a student does not have a final exam during a given period, they may arrive at school late or leave early, if able to arrange alternate transportation.
  • A.M. and P.M. TCD students will not report to TCD on the examination days.
  • Room 050 will be set aside for quiet study.  Students may use this space during their regularly scheduled study hall or resource.  The student cafeteria may be used as a “talking area.”  
  • Breakfast will be available at the usual time (7:10-7:50 a.m.) on these days.  Grab-and-go lunch items will be available until 11:30 am.  Students will not be permitted in the corridors during examination periods.
  • Bus Departures: Wednesday and Thursday, 1:05 pm  Friday, 11:20 am.  Buses will depart using the regular after-school routes. All parking regulations are in effect.