Wednesday, April 5 is Testing Day

Wednesday, April 5 is Testing Day

Wednesday, April 5 is a testing day at North High.

All freshmen through junior students should report to their testing rooms by 8 a.m., and buses will depart North around 1 p.m. Please note that students who test with accommodation may test beyond that time frame, and transportation will be arranged accordingly. Please see a video about the SAT suite of assessments and an FAQ here.

SENIORS: Wednesday, April 5 is a non-attendance day.

JUNIORS: All high school juniors in the state of Illinois are required to take the SAT on Wednesday, April 5. This battery of tests is used by the Illinois State Board of Education to assess high school students’ learning. In addition, District 99 and North use the results to chart progress and set learning priorities.  Testing classrooms will be posted throughout the building on April 3 and 4.

SOPHOMORES: All sophomore students will take the PSAT 10 in the Fieldhouse. Sophomores will need to bring their Chromebooks. Upon completion of the PSAT, sophomores will complete a career assessment through Naviance.

FRESHMEN: All freshmen students will take the PSAT 8/9 in the Purple Gym. Freshmen will need to bring their Chromebooks. Upon completion of the PSAT, freshmen will complete a career assessment through Naviance.

Students must bring with them a picture ID (school ID card or driver’s license), two sharpened #2 pencils, and a permissible calculator. Please see a list of approved graphing calculators here.SAT has well-defined parameters prohibiting the use of certain calculators.  Students will not be permitted to use prohibited calculators on testing day, nor are students permitted to return to their lockers once testing begins.

If your student would like free practice for the PSAT or SAT, they may go to and use their current Khan Academy account or create a Khan Academy account.

Finally, we ask that you review these general test-taking reminders to help your students perform at optimal levels on April 5:

  • It is critical that all students are in attendance during their designated times.
  • Make sure your child gets to bed early on the evening before the test.
  • Ensure that your child has a good breakfast on the morning of the test.

Please be sure to call (630) 795-8414 if you have any questions.