Three sign National Letters of Intent for College Athletics

Three sign National Letters of Intent for College Athletics

Three North High Students Sign National Letters of Intent for College Athletics

Three students at North High School in Downers Grove signed national letters of intent in college athletics at a ceremony at the school on November 12, 2015. The DGN seniors have signed for the 2016-17 school year with the following universities:

Lexi May, New Mexico State, Volleyball

Jaida Travascio-Green, Penn State, Basketball

Jaclyn Pasakarnis,  (Maryville University in St. Louis), Softball

"We congratulate Lexi, Jaida and Jaclyn of their achievements and successes both in athletics and academics while at North High,” says North High School Athletic Director Denise Kavanaugh. "They've worked hard and we wish them all the best."
