Scientist Named "Brilliant" by Popular Science Magazine Visits North High

Scientist Named "Brilliant" by Popular Science Magazine Visits North High

North High students in AP Biology courses had the opportunity to hear Dr. Jack Gilbert speak on November 19, 2015. Dr. Gilbert is a scientist and researcher at Argonne National Laboratory. He is the group leader for the Microbial Ecology in the Biosciences Division, focused on exploring how microbial communities assemble themselves in natural and man-made environments. His projects tackle problems as diverse as water treatment, crop productivity, and human disease. Dr. Gilbert also is an associate professor at the University of Chicago.

“It was thrilling for our students to hear first-hand Dr. Gilbert’s enthusiasm, expertise and natural curiosity for science,” said Jeff Grant, science teacher at North High who organized the visit. “Bringing in outside speakers who work in STEM fields directly shows our students that professions in science are exciting and have a real and important impact in our world.”

Dr. Gilbert was recently selected by Popular Science Magazine as one of the “10 brightest young minds who are reshaping science, engineering, and the world.” Please click here to read the article

“After his presentations, Dr. Gilbert offered to connect our students with current research opportunities,” said Michael Heinz, science department chair at North High. “By continuing to develop these relationships with members of the ‘real-world’ science community, we’re able to tremendously enhance the types of experiences our students can have.”

Please click here to see other photos of the presentation.

Please click here to read Dr. Gilbert’s complete biography.