Principal Message to Students

Principal Message to Students

Good morning, this is Mrs. Schwarze, your new principal.   I am excited to serve as your principal and would like to take a moment to welcome you to the 2016-17 school year.  Whether you are a returning student or someone who is new to North High, the wonderful thing about school is that each year is a new beginning, and you have the opportunity to make it the best school year ever. After all, YOU are the one who will decide which activities you will join, what kind of commitment you will make to your classes and activities, how you will interact with others both inside school and outside of school, and of course what your attitude will be each day.    

As you consider what you will do this year, in the spirit of Austin Kleon’s book, STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST, I encourage you to inject some creativity into your life:  be curious, follow your passion, try something new, work hard, embrace struggle, learn from your mistakes, share your story, and be nice. 

You will make a lot of decisions this year. Know that you’re not alone.  If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask.  There are many people in this building who are ready and willing to help.  

Finally, in closing, remember Mr. Kleon’s closing words in his book:  “Choose wisely and have fun.”  If we all commit to that simple advice, collectively we will create something wonderful here at DGN.  I look forward to seeing what we will accomplish together.  Have a great year!