DGN's New "One Book" Summer Reading Program

DGN's New "One Book" Summer Reading Program

One Book Logo

There is an exciting new summer reading program that’s being planned at North High. This summer, all students will be sharing in the reading of a single book. Our new “One Book” program will serve as the only summer reading assignment for every student’s English class.

One Book Concept

Our “One Book” reading initiative is similar to “all community read” programs. The objective is to inspire our entire school to broaden its understanding of the world by sharing in the reading of a single book. We are currently creating classroom activities to take place throughout the school year in all departments, which we hope will generate conversation and new ways of thinking and show students the connections between all subject areas and life beyond high school.

Last summer, over 20 faculty and staff members collectively read over 20 books in order to find one that would have broad appeal as well as a reading level and content appropriate for all high school students. After much deliberation, the group selected a book that is visually dynamic, has positive messages, and will be applicable to all students and all classrooms. In addition, we’ve arranged for the author to visit North High in early September. If we pre-order 1,000 books or more, the author visit will be free!

To build suspense about the program and premise, we want keep the title under wraps for now and are developing promotional activities that we will be implementing in May.  Then, just before finals, we plan to distribute the books to students who have placed an order…

How to Order

In the past, students have purchased summer reading books on their own. For the first time, this year we have made arrangements with the publisher to pre-order our “One Book” at a deep discount. If you order by Friday, April 8, you will pay $6--which is 56% off the retail price. (As further incentive, if we order 1,000 books ahead of time, the author’s visit will be at no cost!)

Click here to pay $6 online.

Click here to download the form and pay by check. (PDF)

We will release the title of the book at the end of May if you wish to purchase the book on your own. In addition, as we have done for past summer reading assignments, copies of the book will be available at the school and local libraries.

We also encourage parents and others in the family to read the book, and you may order as many copies as you wish. If you’d like to make a donation to purchase a book for a student in need, you may also purchase an Angel “One Book” copy. Students will pick up the books you order at school before leaving for summer break. For incoming freshmen, books will be available for pick up at North High’s Main Office starting on May 23, 2016 and throughout the summer.