DGN Theatre Presents, "One-Act Plays with a TWYST"

DGN Theatre Presents, "One-Act Plays with a TWYST"

DGN students performing "5 Characters in Search of an Exit"

Downers Grove North theatre presents, “One-Act Plays with a TWYST” on Thursday, October 27th and Friday, October 28th at 7 p.m. and Saturday, October 29th at 5 p.m. in the Studio Theatre - Room 248. The performance consists of three plays, each adding a little “twist” for the audience. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for non-district 99 students and seniors.


The first play is from The Twilight Zone series called “5 Characters in Search of an Exit.”  It poses the same existential questions humans have asked throughout history - Who are we? Why are we here?  How did we get here?  Is there any life/reality besides but this one?  

Next is the premier of a brand new play by Jules Tasca called “Play Development or If Hamlet Had Been a Reading.” Those who saw the production of “Hamlet” last spring may find it quite the perfect comedic commentary. 

The final selection is “Mere Mortals,” one of David Ives many short plays that inserts humor and absurdity into everyday life.  Ives proposes that perhaps deep down all of us feel like we are someone special. 


"5 Characters in Search of an Exit”
By Rod Serling

Director: Sophia Fotos 
Assistant Director:
Emma Segrest

Clown                                                   Bree Wright
Major                                                    Travon Moore
Ballerina                                               Emma Doak
Hobo                                                     Elise Cismesia
Bagpiper                                              Sophia Di Iorio
Little Girl                                              Sarah King
Woman                                                 Ellie Cawthorne

“Play Development or If Hamlet was a Reading”
By Jules Tasca

Director: Sky Arend

Shakespeare                                       Lizzie McNamara
Actor 1                                                  Matt Troher
Actor 2                                                 Noah Clements
Actor 3                                                 Maddy Broniarczyk
Actor 4                                                 Audrey McDaniel
Actor 5                                                 Jackson Rummler
Audience Member 1                          Olivia Morrow
Audience Member 2                         Lucy Quinn
Audience Member 3                         Jack Cannan
Audience Member 4                         Claire Flynn
Audience Member 5                         Dylan Skeen

“Mere Mortals”
 By David Ives

Director: D. Pappageorge
Assistant Director: Birdy Roberts

Joe                                                         Caroline Weidman
Charlie                                                   Ben Kulat
Frank                                                     Jacob Trnka
