ELITE Fall Leadership Weekend 2023
Join 100 North High School students who are looking to reach their leadership potential.
Our ELITE Leaders will help students navigate a low ropes course and small group discussions to recognize and build individual leadership.
What: North High School Fall Leadership Weekend
When: Saturday, September 2 - Sunday, September 3
Where: Williams Bay, Wisconsin
Who: Students, grades 9-12
Cost: $180 (Includes leadership training, transportation, lodging, meals, & shirt)
Registration for the Fall Leadership Weekend closes on Tuesday, August 1. Payment must be made on the Web Store under 2023 Fall Leadership Weekend
Permission slips must be completed and submitted to the Student Activities Office. Once we reach capacity students will be placed on a waitlist.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Office of Student Activities 630-795-8413
Mark Mirandola mmirandola@csd99.org