Home Access Center
To support students’ academic success and strengthen the partnership between parents, teachers and students, District 99 uses an online system called “Home Access Center” or HAC. This system provides real-time access to classroom grades, daily attendance, schedules, and assignments due. Both guardians and students have access to the system, and have separate logins. For guardians with more than one student at District 99, only one login is required.
If you have any problems creating or accessing your HAC account, please call the school (North High at 630-795-8400, South High at 630-795-8500).
How to Access Home Access Center
Bookmark or go directly to www.csd99.org/HAC
You may also click on Home Access Center on your school or the district home page; the link is located on the center of the page in parent and student tabs:
You will then see the HAC Login Screen:
- If you already have a login from the previous school year, you may continue to use those credentials. If you forgot your password, select Forgot My Username or Password from the Login Screen.
- If you are a new user, select Click Here to Register for HAC from the Login Screen. You will need to provide YOUR NAME (not your student’s) and address in order to establish your account. An email will be sent to you for final verification and password establishment. NOTE: you must have an email address on file with us in order to use Home Access Center.
If you have any problems creating or accessing your account, please call the school (North High at 630-795-8400, South High at 630-795-8500).
HAC Tutorial for Parents/Guardians
How to Set HAC Push Notifications
eSchool App InfoNOTE: The app will be made available after the 2024-25 student schedules have been issued.
Home Access Center - Q&A
What kind of information will I see?
When you log in, you will see a summary of student attendance for the current date, assignments due this week, plus the student’s daily class schedule. Use the icons on the top of the screen to access detailed information about this and other information.
Can I update any information?
Guardians are encouraged to use the Registration icon on the top of the screen to update their phone numbers and email addresses and to correct missing or incorrect information. Click the Edit icon at the far right of the contacts area if updates are necessary. It is imperative that we have accurate phone numbers and email addresses on record for all guardians. Other changes, including street address and emergency contacts, must be made by contacting the office of your home school.
Can I subscribe to email alerts?
Yes, guardians may choose to subscribe to email alerts for class attendance and/or grade information. While accessing the Attendance or Classes icons, at the top of each of those displays you will see the option to activate the alert. For attendance you may optionally limit alerts to particular types of absences, and for classwork you may optionally limit alerts to particular grade ranges. You may change your selections any time to change or discontinue email alerts. Emails will be sent daily for attendance and weekly for classwork and include recent attendance and classroom grade activity for your student(s). The same information may be viewed by logging in to Home Access Center; this is an optional feature allowing you to periodically receive emails with the same attendance and grade information.
How do I use the classroom grade information?
Parents should strongly consider using the assignment grade information to start or continue a dialogue about classroom performance with their student. Look for trends, such as missing assignments, or poor performance in specific assignment categories, such as homework, writing assignments, quizzes, or tests. Parents are also encouraged to use this information to reinforce positive achievements that occur in the classroom. Of course, this information should not replace a conversation with the teacher, as grades alone do not reflect the classroom nuances of student performance that a professional teacher observes on a day-to-day basis. Questions regarding specific grades should be directed to the classroom teacher.
What if I notice a grade inaccuracy?
Teachers are continually updating their grade books. If you or your student notices a grade discrepancy, encourage your student to speak to the teacher for clarification. If the issue remains after the conversation, contact the teacher directly to further discuss the issue.
Is this online access system secure?
Yes, on several levels. When you log in, a secure connection is established using high-level data encryption. Data is presented for view-only access; updates are not possible. Of course, like any system, all security protections are lost if your login and password are made public. Please do not share your login information with anyone, or leave that information in an unsecured location. You may change your password at any time by clicking on your name at the top right hand portion of the screen. Click My Account from that dropdown.
What if I don’t have Internet access?
Grades can always be obtained by communicating with the classroom teacher. However, please be aware that local libraries and other institutions offer online access that can be used to check student performance. Additionally, students are able to use their Chromebooks as well as internet accessible computers located in the school library, before and after school.
Where can I go if I'm having trouble?
District 99 is committed to providing a reliable and effective system for accessing student grades. With this in mind, and taking into account the variety of home computer systems, it may not always be possible to determine the cause of a problem. The vast majority of problems will likely be related to usernames or passwords, and are easily rectified.
Please contact the main office of your home school (North High at 630-795-8400, South High at 630-795-8500), should you have any problems accessing HAC.
Thank you!